1.Its crescent shaped beach throws out its arms to the shoreless open sea like the very image of an eager striving to embrace the infinite.
2.These waterways make it possible for boats to travel between ports along the coast without being exposed to the dangers of the open sea.
3.Like the open sea, able to carry things.
4."As pirates? " It was almost tempting. Let the wolves have back their gloomy woods and retake the open sea.
5.He insisted on open sea, commitment 3000000 liang each year, imperial has turned to see end trading trade rights overseas.
6.A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.
7.Tugboats are used to maneuver, primarily by towing or pushing, other vessels in harbors, over the open sea or through rivers and canals.
8.To destroy evidence , males and children are thrown into the open sea , and young women are escorted away, never to be seen again .
9.Before learning Buddhism, I lived my life like driftwood lost out in the open sea.
10.She was gazing now sadly out upon the open sea, her arm resting listlessly upon the polished door-post.